【同义词辨析】 2018-04-26 邪恶vicious-degenerate

vicious: may directly oppose virtuous in implying moral depravity, or it may connote malignancy, cruelty, or destructive violence: a ~ gangster wanted for murder. (deprave泛指道德变得败坏)

villainous: applies to any evil, depraved, or vile conduct or characteristic: ~ behavior that must be punished.(注意是villain不是vallain)

iniquitous: implies absence of all signs of justice or fairness: an ~ tyrant, ruling by fear and intimidation.

nefarious: suggests flagrant breaching of time-honored laws and traditions of conduct: pornography, prostitution, and organized crime's other ~ activities.

infamous: suggests shameful and scandalous wickedness: ~ for their crimes.(wicked: 恶意=malice,malignance)

corrupt: stresses a loss of moral integrity or probity causing betrayal of principle or sworn obligations: the city hall was filled with ~ politicians. (probity是经过考验的integrity都表示正直)

degenerate: suggests having sunk from a higher to an esp. vicious or enervated condition: a ~ regime propped up by foreign support.

vicious: 直接和美德virtuous反义道德败坏(deprave),常表示恶意残忍暴力,villainous: 泛指任何邪恶(evil,depraved,vile完全同义)行为,iniquitous: 毫无公平正义即公义,nefarious: 公然违反长期尊崇的法律或传统,infamous臭名: 可耻丑闻的邪恶,corrupt腐败: 丧失正直背叛原则誓言,degenerate堕落:从高的道德标准变得邪恶衰败。

记忆方法: 1)VVINICD重组成CIV N DIV切割又切割==>很邪恶



        2)邪恶的意思是行为或性质恶劣mean highly reprehensible and offensive in character, nature,or conduct. (reprehend严厉批评,offend冒犯)